American Natural Superfood

American Natural Superfood
American Natural Superfood

Saturday, July 1, 2017

What Are the 14 Super Foods?

Here are the 14 super foods you'll want to consider adding to your diet. There's no doubt that diet plays an important role in the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease. To help reduce the risk of disease, more people are adding super foods to their diet. Super foods are those foods that have additional health benefits beyond simply providing nutrition. 

These foods are high in phytonutrients, which may give them additional disease fighting powers. Although the foods that are worthy of being called super foods may be open to debate, there are certain stars in the nutritional world that play an important role in diet, and may play a part in protecting against chronic disease.


Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, as well as a group of chemicals known as isothiocyanates, thought to potentially prevent certain types of cancer. This simple, green super food is a healthy addition to any diet.


This green super food has a unique chemical known as nasturtin, which is converted into an isothiocyanate known as PEITC. This has been shown in studies to slow down the growth of prostate, breast and colon cancer cells. The components in watercress are also thought to reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the eye. This green super food is best eaten raw, as heat can destroy the PEITC.


Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They're also a rich source of fiber and vitamins, particularly vitamin E and the B vitamins. Although nutritionally dense, they're higher in calories than the other super foods and should be eaten in moderation.


These humble fruits have the distinction of having one of the highest antioxidant capacities of the common fruits. Rich in powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins, blueberries are thought to play a role in protecting nerve cells involved in motor skills, learning and memory as people age.


Although the apple may not be the most exotic fruit on the vine, it does have some noteworthy health benefits. Apples are rich in flavonoids, which have been shown to have antioxidant activity. Apple consumption has been correlated with a reduced risk of stroke as well as diabetes. Plus, apples are also a good source of vitamin C.


Spinach is another green super food lauded for its health benefits. Rich in a variety of flavonoids and high in vitamins K, A and C, this simple food is thought to play a role in the prevention of a host of chronic diseases. It packs a powerful nutritional punch for a vegetable so low in calories.


Yogurt is considered a super food because of its probiotic capabilities. The friendly bacteria found in a container of yogurt help to preserve the health of the intestinal tract, as well as the immune system. Plus, it's a good source of calcium and protein. There's much to love about this underappreciated dairy product.

Wild salmon

The only meat to make the list, salmon is known for its high content of omega-3-fatty acids, the same heart friendly fats found in walnuts that help to lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It's important to select wild salmon since farm raised salmon may be contaminated with PCBs and dioxanes, both potential cancer causing agents.


Kale is a member of the brassica family of vegetables, which includes fellow super foods, broccoli and watercress. Kale has many of the same benefits as these other green superstars because of its high content of isothiocyanates. It's thought that kale may have cancer preventive properties as well as cardiovascular benefits. It's also a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals, being particularly high in vitamins A, C and E.


Although many people may not think of the tomato as a super food, it is a rich source of lycopene, a potent antioxidant that is being studied for its role in preventing prostate cancer. The lycopenes found in tomatoes are best absorbed when the tomato is cooked, so tomato sauce is one of the best ways to get the health benefits that tomatoes have to offer.

Green tea

Green tea is a healthy source of catechins such as EGCG, which are thought to play a role in preventing a variety of chronic disease including certain types of cancer and heart disease. Numerous studies are ongoing to look at the potential benefits of drinking green tea for health.


High in omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed may help protect heart health and reduce inflammation in the body. It's also high in lignans, which studies have shown may prevent or slow down the growth of breast tumors. The beneficial components of flaxseed can only be absorbed when the seeds are ground; whole flaxseeds pass through the body undigested.


Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that's associated with a lower risk of heart disease as well as the ability to lower cholesterol levels. They're also rich in potassium, fiber and folate, although higher in calories than most vegetables.


Last but not least, raspberries are a rich source of anthocyanins, and their sweet taste makes them an excellent alternative to a high calorie dessert.

These super foods are a tasty way to add extra nutritional punch to your diet. Whether you choose a green super food or a cup of yogurt flavored with fresh blueberries, you'll be doing something good for your body.

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10 Everyday  - Eating Well

Easy-to-eat, easy-to-find, everyday “super” foods to keep eating healthy simple.
We love that “superfoods” are multi-taskers—foods brimming with various disease-fighting nutrients, usually without providing too many calories, and delivered in a delicious form (think: blueberries)...
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Super Foods For a Successful Diet

Super foods are defined as healthy food with many benefits because of the high content of significant substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, phytonutrient, and anthocyanins. Eating super foods will not only make you slim, but also fit and healthy. 

Super foods do not work like other slimming supplements. OK, they may be able to slim you as what you want, but they will make you suffer without you realize it. Some slimming supplements even cause you in health trouble, since they damage your organs.

You do not need specific foods to slim your body. A healthy diet can be a variety of super foods that will help you maintain weight. It can also fight diseases and make you live longer.

Enjoying super foods everyday is only a matter of food creation. We must be creative and open minded since you do not need to always follow the recipes. Make recipe experiments or watch cooking programs on TV to get food variation. 

If you do not get the idea of super foods, I can give you an example. Blueberries are considered a kind of super foods because they contain high potassium and vitamin C. They can lower the risk of hear disease and cancer. That is why doctors and nutritionists put blueberries in the top list of suggested foods. 

Here are some super foods which are helpful for your diet.

SPINACH - Spinach is good for diet because it contains low calories. You can take the benefits of 2.2 grams of dietary fiber from every 100 grams of raw spinach. 

BROCCOLI - Broccoli is rich of vitamin A, C, and K. 100 grams of broccoli contain 2.6 gram dietary fiber. To get its maximum benefits, add raw broccoli to your salad and other dishes.

WALNUT - Actually, walnut has high calories, so you must modify your dish in order not to make the calories higher, such as do not add cheese or meat. Another solution is limiting your intake of walnuts. In general, walnuts contain high fat, but mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-the good ones. These fats can even lower the LDL cholesterol in your body.

POMEGRANATE - This fruit is a rising star. It contains polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins-all beneficial antioxidants. Make pomegranate juice and drink it everyday. Besides helping you lose your weight, it can also reduce blood pressure. 

CABBAGE - Cabbage is one of the most common vegetable you store at fridge. It boosts the immune system and reduces cancer risk. Cabbage is also recommended as diet food. Mix the cabbage with vinegar, salt, sesame oil, sesame seeds, and pepper. This simple recipe will help your diet!

ALMOND - Almond contains high amount of fat, but the fat is monounsaturated, which reduces bad cholesterol. It will not make you fat! It even helps you lowering the risk of heart disease.

TURMERIC - Turmeric is actually a kind of spices. By adding turmeric to your dishes, you can prevent prostate cancer, childhood leukemia, breast cancer, and melanoma. It will really help you in maintaining weight. Turmeric will make your soups and stews healthy and delicious!

After knowing some information above, why don't you go to supermarket to buy super foods and start a really healthy diet?

Harry Stewart does not only write articles about healthy food, but also about many topics. If you love his articles, visit his website on sesame street party supplies [], which reviews barney party supplies [] for your needs.

Article Source: Super Foods For a Successful Diet

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Friday, February 24, 2017

Super Food Green Powder Eliminates Taking Fistfuls of Vitamins

More people are suffering from undernourishment than ever before, even though they are actually eating more. The misconception that more food means better nutrition has given rise to a billion dollar supplement industry. The fact that nearly two thirds of Americans take some type of vitamin supplement regularly shows that people already know their diets are lacking in nutrition.

Supplemental nutrition is big business because food is so bad. Even the fresh food we get today is not as nutrition as it was even 30 years ago. Many diets consist of highly processed, prepackaged foods that contain fillers, preservatives and artificial chemicals. To get proper nutrition you must eat a diet filled with lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains and whole foods.

Nutritional supplements are huge moneymakers

You may be taking vitamin or mineral supplements yourself. Nutritional supplements are a 20 billion dollar a year industry. Yes, even as the use of supplements has grown the level of diseases has not dropped. In fact many rates have increased. Does this mean that taking supplements doesn't work?

Not all nutritional supplements are the same. Are you getting your nutrients from whole foods or synthetic tablets?  Your body was not designed to gleen it's nutrition from synthesized vitamins, it has a highly complex system that removes and absorbs what it needs form food. In fact many people are not aware that their bodies are not able to use the vitamins they take.

Whole food supplements nourish your body in a holistic way.  They contain trace minerals, phytonutrients and other elements that aid in vitamin digestion and absorption. Drinking adequate water also plays a significant part in nutrition. If you don't have enough water in your system your body simply can't absorb the nutrients effectively form the food you eat. Synthesized vitamins are not necessarily used by your body even if you take them regularly.

A super food is a term for super green powders containing Spirulina Chlorella Kelp and other green vegetables. The primary advantage of using this form of nutritional supplement is that the nutrition in this powder is easily and immediately digested and used by your body. Unlike synthesized vitamin tablets, there are no fillers or tablets to digest first.

Food that is cheap is not always nutritional; meaning plenty of food is not plenty of nutrition.

Whole grains, seasonal vegetables and organic homegrown produce was how we humans ate for tens of thousands of years.  Our diets did significantly change until about a hundred years ago when mass food production replaced the way we got our food. This shift resulted in a giant change in growing, processing, manufacturing and preparing food for almost everyone. This change also brought forth the rise in supplemental nutrition.

It only makes sense that whole foods give your body more nutrition than a single vitamin or even a fistful. It doesn't matter how many you take if your body can't use them.  Super green foods provide a massive amount of protein, trace minerals and highly digestible vitamins. Because it is a whole food it also contains other elements that assist your body.  If you want to feel the effects of taking supplements why not try super green food?

Darren Craddock is an expert in Nutrition, Herbology,
and Yoga. Grab your Free Report: Discover how to keep from getting sick & have more energy! Try   Super food Get an instant healthy buzz with []Green super foods Learn more nutrition and living healthy at

Article Source: [] Super Food Green Powder Eliminates Taking Fistfuls of Vitamins

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